Motherboard repairs/microsoldering
Motherboard repairs and microsoldering are a specialty. With today's growing cost of devices and so many moving parts to your device, motherboard failures have become much more common. That is why we have invested in training programs and cutting edge technology to specialize in this fine art. Just because your device is not powering, is water damaged or missing a specific function, doesn't mean the device cant' be fixed.
At Cellular Repair Center, we understand that purchasing a new device can be costly and frustrating. Not to mention precious data can be lost or compromised while trying to move your data to a new device. We service board level repairs to bring your device back to life. So, if your phone is on the fritz, feel free to call us or stop into any of our locations for a "FREE" diagnostic and quote. We will do our best to get your device back to it's original state. As always, "LEAVE IT TO THE PROFESSIONALS"
"If No One Can Fix
We Can"